What is a Raw Food Diet

Thursday, February 18, 2010
I just finished reading a post called "What is a Raw Food Diet" on the Salad Bowl Inc. website.
Some of the content of the article is based on the book Mini Size Me which I've included a link to below.
I haven't read the book yet myself.

While reading the article, I came across a phrase 'enzyme-less diet.' I keep watching what other people eat and think to myself, "Geez. That is so unhealthy. They must feel horrible all the time." Then, while thinking more about the crap I eat, it's very obvious that I'm not getting enzymes. I love salads, but I typically drench them with ranch dressing and other add-ons like bacon-bits and starchy croutons. I usually drink a Mountain Dew as I eat the salad. :(

The article gives a list of the benefits of a raw food diet. One of them is improved animal instincts and responses. Now if you have a diet similar to mine, have you noticed any problems with your vision or hearing? My vision is often blurred (despite having a new pair of glasses... I work in an optical store so I know the Rx is fine!) I've noticed that I'm having to turn my head as people talk to me or watch their lips. I'm only 26--- my hearing should be good!

Anyway, take a look at the Salad Bowl Inc. website.

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